
Search for magnetic field expulsion in optically driven K3C60
G. De Vecchi, M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, S. Fava, T. Gebert, G. Magnani, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, A. Cavalleri

Two-dimensional spectroscopy of bosonic collective excitations in disordered many-body systems
Al. G. Salvador, I. Morera, M. H. Michael, P. E. Dolgirev, D. Pavicevic, A. Liu, A. Cavalleri, E. Demler

Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Steps for Coherent Control
G. De Vecchi, G. Jotzu, M. Buzzi, S. Fava, T. Gebert, M. Fechner, A. Kimel, A. Cavalleri
arXiv:2408.05153 Nature Photonics, accepted

Observation of polarization density waves in SrTiO3
G. Orenstein, V. Krapivin, Y. Huang, Z. Zhang, G. de la Peña Muñoz, R. A. Duncan, Q. Nguyen, J. Stanton, S. Teitelbaum, H. Yavas, T. Sato, M. C. Hoffmann, P. Kramer, J. Zhang, A. Cavalleri, R. Comin, M. P. M. Dean, A. S. Disa, M. Först, S. L. Johnson, M. Mitrano, A. M. Rappe, D. Reis, D. Zhu, K. A. Nelson, and M. Trigo

Squeezed Josephson plasmons in driven YBa2Cu3O6+x
N. Taherian, M. Först, A. Liu, M. Fechner, D. Pavicevic, A. von Hoegen, E. Rowe, Y. Liu, S. Nakata, B. Keimer, E. Demler, M. H. Michael, A. Cavalleri

Probing optically driven K3C60 thin films with an ultrafast voltmeter
J. D. Adelinia, E. Wang, M. Chavez-Cervantes, T. Matsuyama, M. Fechner, M. Buzzi, G. Meier, A. Cavalleri
arXiv.2312.06421, Structural Dynamics, accepted

Metastable Photo-Induced Superconductivity far above Tc
S. Chattopadhyay, C. J. Eckhardt, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, D. Shin, A. Rubio, A. Cavalleri, Eu.A. Demler, M. H. Michael
arxiv:2303.15355, npj Quantum Materials, accepted


Photo-induced chirality in a non-chiral crystal
Z. Zeng, M. Först, M. Fechner, M. Buzzi, E. Amuah, C. Putzke, P.J.W. Moll, D. Prabhakaran, P. Radaelli, A. Cavalleri
Science 387, 431–436 (2025)
⇒ Science Perspective: Chirality à la carte by Carl P. Romao and Dominik M. Juraschek
Press releases an more


Magnetic field expulsion in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
S. Fava, G. De Vecchi, G. Jotzu, M. Buzzi, T. Gebert, Y. Liu., B. Keimer, A. Cavalleri
Nature 632, 75–80 (2024)
⇒Springer shared link (full functional access)
MPSD Press release and more

Probing inhomogeneous cuprate superconductivity by terahertz Josephson echo spectroscopy
A. Liu, D. Pavićević, M. H. Michael, A. G. Salvador, P. E. Dolgirev, M. Fechner, A. S. Disa, P. M. Lozano, Q. Li, G. D. Gu, E. Demler, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics  20, 1751–1756 (2024)
MPSD Press release

Quenched lattice fluctuations in optically driven SrTiO3
M. Fechner, M. Först, G. Orenstein, V. Krapivin, A. Disa, M. Buzzi, A. von Hoegen, G. de la Pena, Q. L. Nguyen, R. Mankowsky, M. Sander, H. Lemke, Y. Deng, M. Trigo, A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials, 23, 363–368 (2024)
MPSD Press release and more

Principles of 2D terahertz spectroscopy of collective excitations: The case of Josephson plasmons in layered superconductors
A. Gómez Salvador, P. E. Dolgirev, M. H. Michael, A. Liu, D. Pavicevic, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, E. Demler
Physical Review B 110, 094514 (2024)

Ultrafast Raman thermometry in driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
T.-H. Chou, M. Först, M. Fechner, M. Henstridge, S. Roy, M. Buzzi, D. Nicoletti, Y. Liu, S. Nakata, B. Keimer and A. Cavalleri
Physical Reviews B 109, 195141 (2024)

Optically-induced Umklapp shift currents in striped cuprates
P. E. Dolgirev, M. H. Michael, J. B. Curtis, D. E. Parker, D. Nicoletti, M. Buzzi, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, E. Demler
Physical Review B, 109, 045150 (2024)


Photo-induced high-temperature ferromagnetism in YTiO3
A. S. Disa, J. Curtis, M. Fechner, A. Liu, A. von Hoegen, M. Först, T. F. Nova, P. Narang, A. Maljuk, A. V. Boris, B. Keimer & A. Cavalleri
Nature, 617, 73–78 (2023)
MPSD Press release and more

Resonant enhancement of photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60
E. Rowe, B. Yuan, M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, Y. Zhu, M. Fechner, M. Först, B. Liu, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 19, 1821–1826 (2023)
News & Views: Stronger pairs with resonant excitation by Jingdi Zhang. Nat. Phys. 19, 1755–1756 (2023)
MPSD Press release and more

Superconducting nonlinear transport in optically driven high temperature K3C60
E. Wang, J. Adelinia, M. Chavez-Cervantes, T. Matsuyama, M. Fechner, M. Buzzi, G. Meier, A. Cavalleri
Nature Communications 14, 7233 (2023)
MPSD press release

Superconducting Fluctuations Observed Far above Tc in the Isotropic Superconductor K3C60
G. Jotzu, G. Meier, A. Cantaluppi, A. Cavalleri, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, A. Ardavan, M.-S. Nam
Physical Review X 13, 021008 (2023)

Theory for anomalous terahertz emission in striped cuprate superconductors
P. E. Dolgirev, M. H. Michael, J. B. Curtis, D. Nicoletti, M. Buzzi, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, and E. Demler
Physical Review B, 108, L180508 (2023)

Optically Induced Avoided Crossing in Graphene
S. Buchenau, B. Grimm-Lebsanft, F. Biebl, T. Glier, L. Westphal, J. Reichstetter, D. Manske, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, S. Herres-Pawlis, M. Rübhausen
Physical Review B, 108, 075419 (2023)

Two-fluid dynamics in driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
A. Ribak, M. Buzzi, D. Nicoletti, R. Singla, Y. Liu, S. Nakata, B. Keimer, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B. 107, 104508 (2023)

Dynamics of photoinduced ferromagnetism in oxides with orbital degeneracy
J. B. Curtis, A. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, and P. Narang
Physical Review Research 5, 013204 (2023)

In-Situ Observation of the Formation of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures with Extreme Spatial and Temporal Resolution
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Bonse, A. Barty, H. N. Chapman, S. Bajt, M. J. Bogan, S. Boutet, A. Cavalleri, S. Düsterer, M. Frank, J. Hajdu, S. Hau-Riege, S. Marchesini, N. Stojanovic, and R. Treusch
R. Stoian, J. Bonse (eds.), Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring, Springer Series in Optical Sciences 239 (book chapter)


Nonlocal nonlinear phononics
M. Henstridge, M. Först, E. Rowe, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 18, pages 457–461 (2022)
⇒ News & Views: “Controlling ferroelectricity below the surface” by E. Abreu
MPSD Press release and more

Periodic dynamics in superconductors induced by an impulsive optical quench
P. E. Dolgirev, A. Zong, M. H. Michael, J. B. Curtis, D. Podolsky, A. Cavalleri and E. Demler
Nature Communications Physics 5, 234 (2022)

Strongly correlated electron–photon systems
J. Bloch , A. Cavalleri , V. Galitski, M. Hafezi & A. Rubio
Nature Perspective, 606, pages 41–48 (2022)

Amplification of Superconducting Fluctuations in Driven YBa2Cu3O6 + x
A. von Hoegen, M. Fechner, M. Först, N. Taherian, E. Rowe, A. Ribak, J. Porras, B. Keimer, M. Michael, E. Demler, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review X, 12, 031008 (2022)

Coherent emission from surface Josephson plasmons in striped cuprates
D. Nicoletti, M. Buzzi, M. Fechner, P. E. Dolgirev, M. H. Michael, J. B. Curtis, E. Demler, G. D. Gu, A. Cavalleri
PNAS, 119 (39) e2211670119 (2022)
⇒ MPSD press release and more

Generalized Fresnel-Floquet equations for driven quantum materials
M. H. Michael, M. Först, D. Nicoletti, S. R. U. Haque, A. Cavalleri, R. D. Averitt, D. Podolsky, E. Demler
Physical Review B 105, 174301 (2022)

Terahertz phase slips in striped La2−xBaxCuO4
D. Fu, D. Nicoletti, M. Fechner, M. Buzzi, G. D. Gu, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 05, L020502 (2022)


Evidence for metastable photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60
M. Budden, T. Gebert, M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, E. Wang, T. Matsuyama, G. Meier, Y. Laplace, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, F. Schlawin, D. Jaksch, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 17, 611–618 (2021)
→ MPSD press release and more

Engineering crystal structures with light
A. S. Disa, T. F. Nova and A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 17, 1087-1092 (2021)

Designing and controlling the properties of transition metal oxide quantum materials
C. Ahn, A. Cavalleri, A. Georges, S. Ismail-Beigi, A. J. Millis and J.-M. Triscone
Nature Materials 20, Perspective, 1462–1468 (2021)

Higgs-mediated optical amplification in a non-equilibrium superconductor
M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, A. Cavalleri, J. I. Cirac, E. A. Demler, B. I. Halperin, M. D. Lukin, T. Shi, Y. Wang, and D. Podolsky
Physical Review X 11, 011055 (2021)

Phase Diagram for Light-Induced Superconductivity in κ-(ET)2-X
M. Buzzi, D. Nicoletti, S. Fava, G. Jotzu, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda, A. Henderson, T. Siegrist, J. A. Schlueter, M.-S. Nam, A. Ardavan, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters 127, 197002 (2021)

Hybrid CO2-Ti:sapphire laser with tunable pulse duration for mid-infrared-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy
M. Budden, T. Gebert, A. Cavalleri
Optics Express 29, 3 (2021)


Polarizing an antiferromagnet by optical engineering of the crystal field
A. S. Disa, M. Fechner, T. F. Nova, B. Liu, M. Först, D. Prabhakaran, P. G. Radaelli, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics 16, 937–941 (2020)
⇒ News & Views: Shaken not strained by D. M. Juraschek & P. Narang
MPSD press release and more

Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Matter: Cavity-Enhanced Ferroelectric Phase Transition
Y. Ashida, A. Imamoğlu, J. Faist, D. Jaksch, A. Cavalleri, and E. Demler
Physical Review X 10, 041027 (2020)

Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
J. W. McIver, B. Schulte, F.-U. Stein, T. Matsuyama, G. Jotzu, G. Meier and A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics,16, 38–41( 2020)
⇒ „Transient wave function twist“, News & Views by Justin C. W. Song
⇒ Editorial: Quantum phases on demand, Nature Physics volume 16, page1 (2020)

Photomolecular High-Temperature Superconductivity
M. Buzzi, D. Nicoletti, M. Fechner, N. Tancogne-Dejean, M. A. Sentef, A. Georges, T. Biesner, E. Uykur, M. Dressel, A. Henderson, T. Siegrist, J. A. Schlueter, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda, M.-S. Nam, A. Ardavan, J. Coulthard, J. Tindall, F. Schlawin, D. Jaksch, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review X 10, 031028 (2020)
⇒ Science 369, 6506, Editor’s Choice:’A transient superconductor‘ by J. Stajic

Pump Frequency Resonances for Light-Induced Incipient Superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5
B. Liu, M. Först, M. Fechner, D. Nicoletti, J. Porras, B. Keimer, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review X 10, 011053 (2020)

Dynamical Superconductivity in a Frustrated Many-Body System
J. Tindall, F. Schlawin, M. Buzzi, D. Nicoletti, J. R. Coulthard, H. Gao, A. Cavalleri, M. A. Sentef, D. Jaksch
Physical Review Letters 125, 13 (2020)

Photo-induced electron pairing in a driven cavity
H. Gao, F. Schlawin, M. Buzzi, A. Cavalleri, D. Jaksch
Physical Review Letters 125, 053602 (2020)

Parametric resonance of Josephson plasma waves: A theory for optically amplified interlayer superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+x
M. H. Michael, A. von Hoegen, M. Fechner, M. Först, A. Cavalleri, and E. Demler
Physical Review B 102, 174505 (2020)

Probing photo-induced rearrangements in the NdNiO3 magnetic spiral with polarization-sensitive ultrafast resonant soft x-ray scattering
K.R. Beyerlein, A.S. Disa, M. Först, M. Henstridge, T. Gebert, T. Forrest, A. Fitzpatrick, C. Dominguez, J. Fowlie, M. Gibert, J.-M. Triscone, S.S. Dhesi and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 102, 014311 (2020)

Floquet dynamics in light-driven solids
M. Nuske, L. Broers, B. Schulte, G. Jotzu, S. A. Sato, A. Cavalleri, A. Rubio, J. W. McIver, L. Mathey
Physical Review Research 2, 043408 (2020)


Metastable ferroelectricity in optically strained SrTiO3
T. Nova, A. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri
Science, 364, 6445, 1075-1079 (2019)

Cavity-mediated electron-photon superconductivity
F. Schlawin, A. Cavalleri, D. Jaksch
Physical Review Letters, 122, 133602 (2019)

Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
S.A. Sato, J.W. McIver, M. Nuske, P. Tang, G. Jotzu, B. Schulte, H. Hübener, U. De Giovannini, L. Mathey, M.A. Sentef, A. Cavalleri, and A. Rubio
Physical Review B 99, 214302 (2019)

Measuring non-equilibrium dynamics in complex solids with ultrashort x-ray pulses
M. Buzzi, M. Först, A. Cavalleri
Philosophical Transactions A, 377: 20170478 (2019)


Probing the Interatomic Potential of Solids with Strong-Field Nonlinear Phononics
A. von Hoegen, R. Mankowsky, M. Fechner, M. Först, A. Cavalleri
Nature, 555, 79–82 (2018)

Probing optically silent superfluid stripes in cuprates
S. Rajasekaran, J. Okamoto, L. Mathey, M. Fechner, V. Thampy, G. D. Gu, A. Cavalleri
Science, 369, 6375, 575-579 (2018)
⇒ Perspective (superconductivity): Lighting up superconducting stripes, E. Ergeçen + N. Gedik, Science, 369, 6375, 519 (2018)

Pressure tuning of light-induced superconductivity in K3C60
A. Cantaluppi, M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, D. Nicoletti, M. Mitrano, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, A. Perucchi, P. Di Pietro, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 14, 837–841 (2018)

Parametric amplification of optical phonons
A. Cartella, T. F. Nova, M. Fechner, R. Merlin, A. Cavalleri
PNAS 115, (48),12148-12151,(2018)

Magnetic-Field Tuning of Light-Induced Superconductivity in Striped La2−xBaxCuO4
D. Nicoletti, D. Fu, O. Mehio, S. Moore, A. S. Disa, G. D. Gu, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters,121, 267003 (2018)

Probing dynamics in quantum materials with femtosecond X-rays
M. Buzzi, M. Först, R. Mankowsky, and A. Cavalleri
Nature Reviews Materials, 3, pages 299–311 (2018)

Photo-induced superconductivity
A. Cavalleri
Contemporary Physics, 59,1, 31-46 (2018)

Popular articles

Disorder at the border
A. Cavalleri
Science, 362, 6414, 526-527 (2018)


An effective magnetic field from optically driven phonons
T. F. Nova, A. Cartella, A. Cantaluppi, M. Först, D. Bossini, R. V. Mikhaylovskiy, A. V. Kimel, R. Merlin, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 13, 2, 132–136 (2017)
⇒ Press release

Anomalous relaxation kinetics and charge density wave correlations in underdoped BaPb1-xBixO3
D. Nicoletti, E. Casandruc, D. Fu, P. Giraldo-Gallo, I. Fisher, A. Cavalleri
PNAS, 114,34, 9020–9025 (2017)
⇒ Press release

Ultrafast reversal of the ferroelectric polarization
R. Mankowsky, A. von Hoegen, M. Först, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 118, 197601 (2017) [Editors suggestion]

Dynamical stability limit for the charge density wave in K0.3MoO3
R. Mankowsky, B. Liu, S. Rajasekaran, H. Liu, D. Mou, X. J. Zhou, R. Merlin, M. Först and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 118, 116402 (2017)

Multiple supersonic phase fronts launched at a complex-oxide hetero-interface
M. Först, K.R. Beyerlein, R. Mankowsky, W. Hu, G. Mattoni, S. Catalano, M. Gibert, O. Yefanov, J.N. Clark, A. Frano, J.M. Glownia, M. Chollet, H. Lemke, B. Moser, S.P. Collins, S.S. Dhesi, A.D. Caviglia, J.-M. Triscone, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 118, 027401 (2017)

Transiently enhanced interlayer tunneling in optically driven high-Tc superconductors
J. Okamoto, W. Hu, A. Cavalleri, L. Mathey
Physical Review B, 96, 144505 (2017)

Terahertz field control of interlayer transport modes in cuprate superconductors
F. Schlawin, A. S. D. Dietrich, M. Kiffner, A. Cavalleri, D. Jaksch
Physical Review B, 96 , 064526 (2017)

Enhancement of superexchange pairing in the periodically driven Hubbard model
J. R. Coulthard, S. R. Clark, S. Al-Assam, A. Cavalleri, and D. Jaksch
Physical Review B, 96, 085104 (2017)

Ultrafast momentum imaging of pseudospin-flip excitations in graphene
S. Aeschlimann, R. Krause, M. Chávez-Cervantes, H. Bromberger, R. Jago, E. Malić, A. Al-Temimy, C. Coletti, A. Cavalleri, and I. Gierz
Physical Review B, 96, 020301(R) (2017)

Optical melting of the transverse Josephson plasmon: a comparison between bilayer and trilayer cuprates
W. Hu, D. Nicoletti, A. V. Boris, B. Keimer and A. Cavalleri
Physical Reviev B, 95, 104508 (2017)

Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene with periodically distorted lattice
E. Pomarico, M. Mitrano, H. Bromberger, M. A. Sentef, A. Al-Temimy, C. Coletti, A. Stöhr, S. Link, U. Starke, C. Cacho, R. Chapman, E. Springate, A. Cavalleri, and I. Gierz
Physical Reviev B, 95, 2, 024304 (2017)

Optically-induced lattice deformations, electronic structure changes and enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.48
R. Mankowsky, M. Fechner, M. Först, A. von Hoegen, J. Porras, T. Loew, G.L. Dakovski, M. Seaberg, S. Möller, G. Coslovich, B. Keimer, S.S. Dhesi, and A. Cavalleri
Structural Dynamics, 4, 044007 (2017)

Narrowband carrier-envelope phase stable mid-infrared pulses at wavelengths beyond 10  μm by chirped-pulse difference frequency generation
A. Cartella, T. F. Nova, A. Oriana, G. Cerullo, M. Först, C. Manzoni, and A. Cavalleri
Optics Letters, 42, 4 , 663-666 (2017)

Generation of narrowband, high-intensity, carrier-envelope phase stable pulses tunable between 4 and 18 THz
B. Liu, H. Bromberger, A. Cartella, T. Gebert, M. Först, A. Cavalleri
Optics Letters, 42, 1, 129-131 (2017) [Editors‘ pick]


Possible light-induced superconductivity in K3C60 at high temperature
M. Mitrano, A. Cantaluppi, D. Nicoletti, S. Kaiser, A. Perucchi, S. Lupi, P. Di Pietro, D. Pontiroli, M. Riccò, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, and A. Cavalleri
Nature, 530, 461–464 (2016)
→ Press releases + more

Parametric amplification of a superconducting plasma wave
S. Rajasekaran, E. Casandruc, Y. Laplace, D. Nicoletti, G. D. Gu, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch & A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 12, 1012–1016 (2016)
Press releases

Theory of enhanced interlayer tunneling in optically driven high Tc superconductors
J.-i. Okamoto, A. Cavalleri, L. Mathey
Physical Review Letters, 117, 227001 (2016)

Dynamical decoherence of the light induced inter layer coupling in YBa2Cu3O6+δ
C. R. Hunt, D. Nicoletti, S. Kaiser, D. Pröpper, T. Loew, J. Porras, B. Keimer, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B94, 224303 (2016)

Restoring interlayer Josephson coupling in La1.885Ba0.115CuO4 by charge transfer melting of stripe order
V. Khanna, R. Mankowsky, M. Petrich, H. Bromberger, S. A. Cavill, E. Möhr-Vorobeva, D. Nicoletti, Y. Laplace, G. D. Gu, J. P. Hill, M. Först, A. Cavalleri and S. S. Dhesi
Physical Review B 93, 224522 (2016)

Broadband THz spectroscopy of the insulator-metal transition driven by coherent lattice deformation at the SmNiO3/LaAlO3 interface
W. Hu, S. Catalano, M. Gibert, J.-M. Triscone, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 93, 161107(R),(2016)

Proposed cavity Josephson plasmonics with complex-oxide heterostructures
Y. Laplace, S. Fernandez-Pena, S. Gariglio, J.-M. Triscone, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 93, 075152 (2016)

Non-equilibrium control of complex solids by nonlinear phononics
R. Mankowsky, M. Först and A. Cavalleri
Reports on Progress in Physics79, 6 (2016)

High-Field High-Repetition-Rate Sources for the Coherent THz Control of Matter
B. Green, S. Kovalev, V. Asgekar, G. Geloni, U. Lehnert, T. Golz, M. Kuntzsch, C. Bauer, J. Hauser, J. Voigtlaender, B. Wustmann, I. Koesterke, M. Schwarz, M. Freitag, A. Arnold, J. Teichert, M. Justus, W. Seidel, C. Ilgner, N. Awari, D. Nicoletti, S. Kaiser, Y. Laplace, S. Rajasekaran, L. Zhang, S. Winnerl, H. Schneider, G. Schay, I. Lorincz, A. A. Rauscher, I. Radu, S. Mährlein, T. H. Kim, J. S. Lee, T. Kampfrath, S. Wall, J. Heberle, A. Malnasi-Csizmadia, A. Steiger, A. S. Müller, M. Helm, U. Schramm, T. Cowan, P. Michel, A. Cavalleri, A. S. Fisher, N. Stojanovic & M. Gensch
Scientific Reports, 6, 22256 (2016)

Electronic-structural dynamics in graphene
I. Gierz,  and A. Cavalleri
Structural Dynamics, 3, 5, 1.4964777, Editors Pick (2016)

Nonlinear light–matter interaction at terahertz frequencies
D. Nicoletti and A. Cavalleri
Advances in Optics and Photonics, 8, 3, pp. 401-464 (2016)

Josephson plasmonics in layered superconductors
Y. Laplace & A. Cavalleri
Advances in Physics: X, 1:3, 387-411 (2016)


Spatially resolved ultrafast magnetic dynamics launched at a complex-oxide hetero-interface
M. Först, A.D. Caviglia, R. Scherwitzl, R. Mankowsky, P. Zubko, V. Khanna, H. Bromberger, S.B. Wilkins, Y.-D. Chuang, W.S. Lee, W.F. Schlotter, J.J. Turner, G.L. Dakovski, M.P. Minitti, J. Robinson, S.R. Clark, D. Jaksch, J.-M. Triscone, J.P. Hill, S.S. Dhesi, A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials,14, 883-888 (2015)
⇒ see also News & Views by V. Scagnoli and U. Staub
Press releases

THz-Frequency Modulation of the Hubbard U in an Organic Mott Insulator
R. Singla, G. Cotugno, S. Kaiser, M. Först, M. Mitrano, H. Y. Liu, A. Cartella, C. Manzoni, H. Okamoto, T. Hasegawa, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters 115, 187401 (2015)

Tracking Primary Thermalization Events in Graphene with Photoemission at Extreme Time Scales
I. Gierz, F. Calegari, S. Aeschlimann, M. Chávez Cervantes, C. Cacho, R. T. Chapman, E. Springate, S. Link, U. Starke, C. R. Ast, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters 115, 086803 (2015)

Proposed Parametric Cooling of Bilayer Cuprate Superconductors by Terahertz Excitation
S. J. Denny, S. R. Clark, Y. Laplace, A. Cavalleri, and D. Jaksch
Physical Review Letters 114, 137001 (2015)

See also APS Physics: Synopsis: Making Superconductors Sturdier

Phonon-Pump Extreme-Ultraviolet-Photoemission Probe in Graphene: Anomalous Heating of Dirac Carriers by Lattice Deformation
I. Gierz, M. Mitrano, H. Bromberger, C. Cacho, R. Chapman, E. Springate, S. Link, U. Starke, B. Sachs, M. Eckstein, T. O. Wehling, M. I. Katsnelson, A. Lichtenstein, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 114, 125503 (2015)

Coherent modulation of the YBa2Cu3O6+x atomic structure by displacive stimulated ionic Raman scattering
R. Mankowsky, M. Först, T. Loew, J. Porras, B. Keimer, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 91, 094308 (2015)

Wavelength-dependent optical enhancement of superconducting interlayer coupling in La1.885Ba0.115CuO4
E. Casandruc, D. Nicoletti, S. Rajasekaran, Y. Laplace, V. Khanna, G. D. Gu, J. P. Hill, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 91, 17 (2015)

Dynamical redistribution of phase fluctuations in bi-layer superconductors by periodic driving with an optical field
R. Höppner, B. Zhu, T. Rexin, A. Cavalleri, L. Mathey
Physical Review B 91, 104507 (2015)

Two distinct kinetic regimes for the relaxation of light-induced superconductivity in La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO4
C. R. Hunt, D. Nicoletti, S. Kaiser, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 91, 020505(R) (2015)

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with 9-eV photon-energy pulses generated in a gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber
H. Bromberger, A. Ermolov, F. Belli, H. Liu, F. Calegari, M. Chávez-Cervantes, M. T. Li, C. T. Lin, A. Abdolvand, P. St. J. Russell, A. Cavalleri, J. C. Travers, and I. Gierz
Applied Physics Letters 107, 091101 (2015)

Population inversion in monolayer and bilayer graphene
I. Gierz, M. Mitrano, J. C. Petersen, C. Cacho, I. C. E. Turcu, E. Springate, A. Stöhr, A. Köhler, U. Starke, and A. Cavalleri
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, 164204 (2015)

Trace phase detection and strain characterization from serial X-ray free-electron laser crystallography of a Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 powder
K. R. Beyerlein, C. Jooss, A. Barty, R. Bean, S. Boutet, S. S. Dhesi, R. B. Doak, M. Först, L. Galli, R. A. Kirian, J. Kozak, M. Lang, R. Mankowsky, M. Messerschmidt, J. C. H. Spence, D. Wang, U. Weierstall, T. A. White, G. J. Williams, O. Yefanov, N. A. Zatsepin, A. Cavalleri, and H. N. Chapman
Powder Diffraction 30, S1, pp S25-S30 (2015)

Mode-Selective Control of the Crystal Lattice
M. Först, R. Mankowsky, A. Cavalleri
Accounts of Chemical Research 48, 380 (2015)


Nonlinear lattice dynamics as a basis for enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5
R. Mankowsky, A. Subedi, M. Först, S.O. Mariager, M. Chollet, H. Lemke, J. Robinson, J. Glownia, M. Minitti, A. Frano, M. Fechner, N. A. Spaldin, T. Loew, B. Keimer, A. Georges, A. Cavalleri
Nature 516 , 71–73 (2014)
⇒ MPG Press release
⇒ SLAC Press release

Optically enhanced coherent transport in YBa2Cu3O6.5 by ultrafast redistribution of interlayer coupling
W. Hu, S. Kaiser, D. Nicoletti, C. R. Hunt, I. Gierz, M. C. Hoffmann, M. Le Tacon, T. Loew, B. Keimer & A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials, 13, 705–711 (2014)
⇒ News & Views by N. P. Armitage
⇒ Press release CFEL
⇒ Press release MPSD

Melting of Charge Stripes in Vibrationally Driven La1.875Ba0.125CuO4: Assessing the Respective Roles of Electronic and Lattice Order in Frustrated Superconductors
M. Först, R. I. Tobey, H. Bromberger, S. B. Wilkins, V. Khanna, A. D. Caviglia, Y.-D. Chuang, W. S. Lee, W. F. Schlotter, J. J. Turner, M. P. Minitti, O. Krupin, Z. J. Xu, J. S. Wen, G. D. Gu, S. S. Dhesi, A. Cavalleri, and J. P. Hill
Physical Review Letters, 112, 157002 (2014)
⇒ Press releases

Pressure-Dependent Relaxation in the Photoexcited Mott Insulator ET-F2 TCNQ: Influence of Hopping and Correlations on Quasiparticle Recombination Rates
M. Mitrano, G. Cotugno, S.R. Clark, R. Singla, S. Kaiser, J. Stähler, R. Beyer, M. Dressel, L. Baldassarre, D. Nicoletti, A. Perucchi, T. Hasegawa, H. Okamoto, D. Jaksch and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 112, 117801 (2014)
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Femtosecond x rays link melting of charge-density wave correlations and light-enhanced coherent transport in YBa2Cu3O6.6
M. Först, A. Frano, S. Kaiser, R. Mankowsky, C. R. Hunt, J. J. Turner, G. L. Dakovski, M. P. Minitti, J. Robinson, T. Loew, M. Le Tacon, B. Keimer, J. P. Hill, A. Cavalleri, and S. S. Dhesi
Physical Review B, 90, 90, 184514 (2014)

Optically-induced superconductivity in striped La2-xBaxCuO4 by polarization-selective excitation in the near infrared
D. Nicoletti , E. Casandruc, Y. Laplace, V. Khanna, C. R. Hunt, S. Kaiser, S. S. Dhesi, G. D. Gu, J. P. Hill, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 90, 100503(R), (2014)

Theory of nonlinear phononics for coherent light control of solids
A. Subedi, A. Cavalleri, A. Georges
Physical Review B, 89, 220301(R) (2014)

Optically induced coherent transport far above Tc in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+δ
S. Kaiser, C. R. Hunt, D. Nicoletti, W. Hu, I. Gierz, H. Y. Liu, M. Le Tacon, T. Loew, D. Haug, B. Keimer, and A. Cavalleri
Phys. Rev. B 89, 184516 (2014)

Optical Properties of a Vibrationally Modulated Solid State Mott Insulator
S. Kaiser, S. R. Clark, D. Nicoletti, G. Cotugno, R. I. Tobey, N. Dean, S. Lupi, H. Okamoto, T. Hasegawa, D. Jaksch & A. Cavalleri
Scientific Reports, 4, Article number: 3823 (2014)

Pulse shaping in the mid-infrared by a deformable mirror
A. Cartella, S. Bonora, M. Först, G. Cerullo, A. Cavalleri, and C. Manzoni
Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 6, pp. 1485-1488 (2014)
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Non-equilibrium Dirac carrier dynamics in graphene investigated with time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
I. Gierz, S. Link, U. Starke, and A. Cavalleri
Faraday Discussions, 2014,171, 311-321, DOI: 10.1039/C4FD00020J


Snapshots of non-equilibrium Dirac carrier distributions in graphene
I. Gierz, J. C. Petersen, M. Mitrano, C. Cacho, E. Turcu, E. Springate, A. Stöhr, A. Köhler, U. Starke, A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials, 12,1119–1124 (2013)
→ press release

Optical excitation of Josephson plasma solitons in a cuprate superconductor
A. Dienst, E. Casandruc, D. Fausti, L. Zhang, M. Eckstein, M. Hoffmann, V. Khanna, N. Dean, M. Gensch, S. Winnerl, W. Seidel, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi & A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials, 12, 535-541 (2013)
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→ press releases

Photoinduced melting of magnetic order in the correlated electron insulator NdNiO3
A. D. Caviglia, M. Först, R. Scherwitzl, V. Khanna, H. Bromberger, R. Mankowsky, R. Singla, Y.-D. Chuang, W. S. Lee, O. Krupin, W. F. Schlotter, J. J. Turner, G. L. Dakovski, M. P. Minitti, J. Robinson, V. Scagnoli, S. B.Wilkins, S. A. Cavill,, M. Gibert, S. Gariglio, P. Zubko, J.-M. Triscone, J. P. Hill, S. S. Dhesi, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 88, 220401(R) (2013)

Photoinduced Melting of the Orbital Order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 with 4-femtosecond laser pulses
R. Singla, A. Simoncig, M. Först, D. Prabhakaran, A.L. Cavalieri, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 88, 075107 (2013)

Possible observation of parametrically amplified coherent phasons in K0.3MoO3 using time-resolved extreme-ultraviolet angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
H. Y. Liu, I. Gierz, J. C. Petersen, S. Kaiser, A. Simoncig, A. L. Cavalieri, C. Cacho, I. C. E. Turcu, E. Springate, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, S. S. Dhesi, Z.-A. Xu, T. Cuk, R. Merlin, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B, 88, 045104 (2013)

Displacive lattice excitation through nonlinear phononics viewed by femtosecond X-ray diffraction
M. Först, R. Mankowsky, H. Bromberger, D.M. Fritz, H. Lemke, D. Zhu, M. Chollet, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, R. Merlin, J.P. Hill, S.L. Johnson, A. Cavalleri
Solid State Communications, 169 24–27 (2013)


Ultrafast Strain Engineering in Complex Oxide Heterostructures
A. D. Caviglia, R. Scherwitzl, P. Popovich, W. Hu, H. Bromberger, R. Singla, M. Mitrano, M. C. Hoffmann, S. Kaiser, P. Zubko, S. Gariglio, J.-M. Triscone, M. Först, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 108, 136801 (2012)
APS – Viewpoint in Physics: Ultrafast Phase Control in Oxide Thin Films
Research Highlights in Nature Materials: Beaten to Action

Evolution of three-dimensional correlations during the photoinduced melting of antiferromagnetic order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4
R. I. Tobey, S. Wall, M. Först, H. Bromberger, V. Khanna, J. J. Turner, W. Schlotter, M. Trigo, O. Krupin, W. S. Lee, Y.-D. Chuang, R. Moore, A. L. Cavalieri, S. B. Wilkins, H. Zheng, J. F. Mitchell, S. S. Dhesi, A. Cavalleri, and J. P. Hill
Physical Review B, 86, 064425 (2012)


Light induced Superconductivity in a Stripe-ordered Cuprate
D. Fausti, R.I. Tobey, N. Dean, S. Kaiser, A. Dienst, M.C. Hoffmann, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi and A. Cavalleri
Science, 331, 6014 189-191 (2011)
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→ press releases

Nonlinear phononics as a new ultrafast route to lattice control
M. Först, C. Manzoni, S. Kaiser, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, R. Merlin and A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 7, 854–856 (2011).
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→ press release

Bi-directional ultrafast electric-field gating of interlayer charge transport in a cuprate superconductor
A. Dienst, M. C. Hoffmann, D. Fausti, J. C. Petersen, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi and A. Cavalleri
Nature Photonics, 5, 485-488 (2011)
Interview with A. Cavalleri, Nature Photonics, 5, 506 (2011)
News and views: „Superconductors: Terahertz superconducting switch“
M. Gabay & J.-M. Triscone, Nature Photonics, 5, 447-449 (2011)

Transient photoinduced ‘hidden’ phase in a manganite
H. Ichikawa, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, A. Tomita, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Chollet, L. Guerin, N. Dean, A. Cavalleri, S. Adachi, T. Arima, H. Sawa, Y.Ogimoto, M. Nakamura, R. Tamaki, K. Miyano & S. Koshihara
Nature Materials, 10, 101-105 (2011)

Quantum interference between charge excitation paths in a solid state Mott insulator
S. Wall, D. Brida, S. R. Clark, H. P. Ehrke, D. Jaksch, A. Ardavan, S. Bonora, H. Uemura, Y. Takahashi, T. Hasegawa, H. Okamoto, G. Cerullo and A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics, 7, 114 (2011)
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Clocking the Melting Transition of Charge and Lattice Order in 1T-TaS2 with Ultrafast Extreme-Ultraviolet Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
J. C. Petersen, S. Kaiser, N. Dean, A. Simoncig, H. Y. Liu, A. L. Cavalieri, C. Cacho, I. C. E. Turcu, E. Springate, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, S. S. Dhesi, H. Berger, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters 107, 177402 (2011)
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→ press release

Photoinduced Melting of Antiferromagnetic Order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 Measured Using Ultrafast Resonant Soft X-Ray Diffraction
H. Ehrke, R. I. Tobey, S. Wall, S. A. Cavill, M. Först, V. Khanna, Th. Garl, N. Stojanovic, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, M. Gensch, A. Mirone, P. Reutler, A. Revcolevschi, S. S. Dhesi and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 106, 217401 (2011)
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→ diamond news article

Polaronic Conductivity in the Photoinduced Phase of 1T-TaS2
N. Dean, J. C. Petersen, D. Fausti, R. I. Tobey, S. Kaiser, L. V. Gasparov, H. Berger, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 106, 016401 (2011)
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Driving magnetic order in a manganite by ultrafast lattice excitation
M. Först, R. I. Tobey, S. Wall, H. Bromberger, V. Khanna, A. L. Cavalieri, Y.-D. Chuang, W. S. Lee, R. Moore, W. F. Schlotter, J. J. Turner, O. Krupin, M. Trigo, H. Zheng, J. F. Mitchell, S. S. Dhesi, J. P. Hill, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 84, 241104(R) (2011)
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→ press release

Coherent single-cycle pulses with MV/cm field strengths from a relativistic transition radiation light source
M. C. Hoffmann, S. Schulz, S. Wesch, S. Wunderlich, A. Cavalleri, and B. Schmidt
Optics Letters,Vol. 36, Issue 23, pp. 4473-4475 (2011)


Single-Shot detection and direct control of carrier phase drift of mid-IR pulses
C. Manzoni, M. Foerst, H. Ehrke, and A. Cavalleri
Optics Letters, 35, Issue 5, pp. 757-759 (2010)
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Ultrafast insulator-to-metal phase transition as a switch to measure the spectrogram of a supercontinuum light pulse
F. Cilento, C. Giannetti, G. Ferrini, S. Dal Conte, T. Sala, G. Coslovich, M. Rini, A. Cavalleri and F. Parmigiani
Applied Physics Letters, 96, 021102 (2010)


Ultrafast Coupling between Light, Coherent Lattice Vibrations, and the Magnetic Structure of Semicovalent LaMnO3
S. Wall, R. Prabakharan, A.T.J. Boothroyd and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters,103, 097402 (2009)

Transient electronic structure of the photoinduced phase of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 probed with soft x-ray pulses
M. Rini, Y. Zhu, S. Wall, R. I. Tobey, H. Ehrke, T. Garl, J. W. Freeland, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, A. Cavalleri, and R. W. Schoenlein
Physical Review B, 80, 155113 (2009)

Popular articles

Melted in a flash
A. Cavalleri
Nature, 458, 42-43 (2009)


Ultrafast single-shot diffraction imaging of nanoscale dynamics
A. Barty, S. Boutet, M. J. Bogan, S. Hau-Riege, S. Marchesini, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, N. Stojanovic, R. Tobey, H. P. Ehrke, A. Cavalleri, S. Düsterer, M. Frank, S. Bajt, B. W. Woods, M. M. Seibert, J. Hajdu, R. Treusch and H. N. Chapman
Nature Photonics, 2, 415 (2008)
⇒ See also the news and views article.

Ultrafast Electronic Phase Transition in La1/2Sr3/2MnO4 by Coherent Vibrational Excitation: Evidence for Nonthermal Melting of Orbital Order
R.I. Tobey, R. Prabakharan, A.T.J. Boothroyd and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters, 101, 197404 (2008)
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Optical switching in VO2 films by below-gap excitation
M. Rini, Z. Hao, R. W. Schoenlein, C. Giannetti, F. Parmigiani, S. Fourmaux, J. C. Kieffer, A. Fujimori, M. Onoda, S. Wall and A. Cavalleri
Applied Physical Letters, 92, 181904 (2008)


Control of the electronic phase of a manganite by mode-selective vibrational excitation
M. Rini, R. Tobey, N. Dean, J. Itatani, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, R. W. Schoenlein & A. Cavalleri
Nature, 449, 72-74 (2007)
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Coherent orbital waves in the photo-induced insulator-metal dynamics of a magnetoresistive manganite
D. Polli, M. Rini, S. Wall, R. W. Schoenlein, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura, G. Cerullo & A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials, 6, 643 – 647 (2007)

Enhanced Photosusceptibility near Tc for the Light-Induced Insulator-to-Metal Phase Transition in Vanadium Dioxide
D. J. Hilton, R. P. Prasankumar, S. Fourmaux, A. Cavalleri, D. Brassard, M. A. El Khakani, J. C. Kieffer, A. J. Taylor and R. D. Averitt
Physical Review Letters, 99, 226401 (2007)

Popular articles

Double vision
A. Cavalleri
Nature, 448, 651 (2007)

All at Once
A. Cavalleri
Science, 318, 755-756 (2007)


Tracking the motion of charges in a terahertz light field by femtosecond X-ray diffraction
A.Cavalleri, S. Wall, C. Simpson, E. Statz, D. W. Ward, K. A. Nelson, M. Rini, R.W. Schoenlein
Nature, 442, 05041 (2006)

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2001-2005 (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)

Photoinduced phase transition in VO2 nanocrystals: ultrafast control of surface-plasmon resonance
M. Rini, A. Cavalleri, R.W. Schoenlein, R. Lopez, L. Feldman, R. Haglund, L. Boatner, T. Haynes.
Optics Letters 30, 558 (2005)

Band-Selective Measurements of Electron Dynamics in VO2 Using Femtosecond Near-Edge X-Ray Absorption
A. Cavalleri, M. Rini, H. Chong, T.E. Glover, P.A.Heimann, J.C. Kieffer, R.W. Schoenlein.
Physical Review Letters, 95, 067405 (2005)

Picosecond soft x-ray absorption measurement of the photoinduced insulator-to-metal transition in VO2
A. Cavalleri, H. Chong, S. Formaux, T.E. Glover, P.A.Heimann, B.S. Mun, H. Padmore, J.C. Kieffer, R.W. Schoenlein.
Physical Review B (Brief report), 69, 153106(2004)

Evidence for a structurally-driven insulator-to-metal transition in VO2: A view from the ultrafast timescale
A. Cavalleri, Th. Dekorsy, H. Chong, J.C. Kieffer, R.W. Schoenlein.
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 70, 161102(R) (2004)

Femtosecond X-ray measurement of coherent lattice vibrations near the Lindemann stability limit
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. Blome, J. Blums, A. Cavalleri, C. Dietrich, A. Tarassevich, I. Uschmann, E. Forster, M. Kammler, M. Horn von Hoegen, and D. von der Linde.
Nature, 422, 287 (2003)

1998-2002 (UC San Diego)

Generation of the low-density liquid phase of carbon by non-thermal melting of fullerite
A. Cavalleri, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, D. von der Linde, I. Spagnolatti, M. Bernasconi, G. Benedek, P. Milani.
Europhysics Letters 57, 281 (2002)

Femtosecond Structural Dynamics in VO₂ during an Ultrafast Solid-Solid Phase Transition
A. Cavalleri, Cs. Toth, C.W. Siders, J.A. Squier, F. Raksi, P. Forget, J.C. Kieffer.
Physical Review Letters, 87, 237401 (2001)

Femtosecond X-ray Measurement of Ultrafast Melting in Semiconductors and Large Strain Transients.
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. Blome, D. von der Linde, A. Cavalleri, J.A. Squier, M. Kammler.
Physical Review Letters, 87, 225701 (2001)

Ultrafast x-ray measurement of laser heating in semiconductors: Parameters determining the melting threshold
A.Cavalleri, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, C. W. Siders, J.A. Squier, Ch. Rose Petruck, R. Jimenez, C.P.J. Barty, K.R. Wilson, D. von der Linde.
Physical Review B (Brief Report), 63, 193306 (2001)

Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics in Germanium Measured with Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
A.Cavalleri, C. W. Siders, F.L.H. Brown, D. Leitner, Cs. Tóth, J.A. Squier, C.P.J. Barty, K.R. Wilson, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, D. von der Linde, M. Horn von Hoegen, M. Kammler.
Physical Review Letters, 85, 586 (2000)

Detection of Nonthermal Melting by Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction
C.W. Siders, A. Cavalleri, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, Cs. Tóth, T. Guo, M. Kammler, M. Horn von Hoegen, K.R. Wilson, D. von der Linde, C.P.J. Barty
Science, 286, 1340, (1999)

Picosecond–milliångström lattice dynamics measured by ultrafast X-ray diffraction
C. Rose-Petruck, R. Jimenez, T. Guo, A. Cavalleri, C.W. Siders, J.A. Squier, K.R. Wilson, C.P.J. Barty.
Nature, 398, 310, (1999)

1994-1998 (Università di Pavia / Universität Essen)

Femtosecond Melting and Ablation of Semiconductors Studied with Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy.
A. Cavalleri, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, M. Schreiner and D. von der Linde.
Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 1, (1999)

Single-pulse time- and fluence-resolved optical measurements at femtosecond excited surfaces
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, A. Cavalleri, D. von der Linde.
Applied Physics A, 69, 577 (1999)

Thermal and nonthermal melting of gallium arsenide after femtosecond laser excitation
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Bialkowski, M. Boing, A. Cavalleri, and D. von der Linde.
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 58, R11805, (1998) 

Femtosecond laser ablation of gallium arsenide investigated with time-of-flight mass spectroscopy
A. Cavalleri, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Bialkowski, D. von der Linde.
Applied Physics Letters 72, 2385, (1998)

Transient States of Matter during Short Pulse Laser Ablation
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Bialkowski, A. Cavalleri, D. von der Linde, A. Oparin, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, S. Anisimov.
Physical Review Letters, 81, 224, (1998)

Observation of a transient insulating phase of metals and semiconductors during short-pulse laser ablation
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, J. Bialkowski, A. Cavalleri, D. von der Linde.
Applied Surface Science 127, 755  (1998)

Coherent acoustic oscillations in metallic nanoparticles generated with femtosecond optical pulses
M. Nisoli, S. De Silvestri, A. Cavalleri, A.M. Malvezzi, A. Stella, G. Lanzani, P. Cheyssac, R. Kofman.
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 55, R13424, (1997).

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