At equilibrium, transport properties are key in revealing fingerprints of electronic interactions and long range orders in quantum materials. Conventionally, these are measured in the vicinity of zero frequency. We have developed a platform to extend these measurements to the ultrafast time scale. To this end, a microstructured chip composed of THz-waveguides and photo-conductive switches is used to generate and transport sub-picosecond current pulses. These pulses propagate through the material under study and are sampled, after transmission, yielding the transport properties from DC to 1 THz frequency. As this technique operates in the time domain, it also allows probing of transient states with sub-picosecond resolution, such as light-induced topological phases and non-equilibrium superconductivity. Additionally, probe current pulses with peak amplitudes in excess of tens of GA/m2 can be generated, giving access to nonlinear transport features such as critical currents in superconductors.

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Nature Physics, 16, 38–41( 2020)
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