January 2025

Photo-induced chirality in a non-chiral crystal
Z. Zeng et.al. Science 387, 431–436 (2025)
Science Perspective:
- Chirality à la carte by Carl P. Romao and Dominik M. Juraschek
MPSD press release:
- Terahertz-Pulse induzieren Chiralität in einem nicht-chiralen Kristall
- Terahertz pulses induce chirality in a non-chiral crystal
Oxford press release:
Optics & Photonics News:
September 2024
Probing inhomogeneous cuprate superconductivity by terahertz Josephson echo spectroscopy
A. Liu, et. al. Nature Physics 20, 1751–1756 (2024)
MPSD press release:
July 2024
Magnetic field expulsion in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
S. Fava et. al., Nature 632, 75–80 (2024)
MPSD press release:
- Light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48
- Lichtinduzierter Meissner-Effekt in optisch angeregtem YBa2Cu3O6.48
June 2024

Andrea Cavalleri is to be honored with the 2024 EPS Europhysics Prize by the European Physical Society
MPSD press release:
- Andrea Cavalleri to receive 2024 EPS Europhysics Prize
- Andrea Cavalleri erhält den 2024 EPS Europhysics-Preis
University of Oxford press release:
EPS news:
May 2024

Opening of the new Institute building in the Science City Hamburg Bahrenfeld
MPSD press release:
February 2024
Quenched lattice fluctuations in optically driven SrTiO3
M. Fechner et. al., Nature Materials, 23, 363–368 (2024)
MPSD press release:
- Short X-ray pulses reveal the source of light-induced ferroelectricity in SrTiO3
- Kurze Röntgenimpulse enthüllen das Geheimnis der lichtinduzierten Ferroelektrizität in SrTiO3
SwissFEL at PSI press release:
November 2023

Superconducting nonlinear transport in optically driven high temperature K3C60
E. Wang et. al., Nature Communications 14, 7233 (2023)
MPSD press release:
October 2023

Resonant enhancement of photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60
E. Rowe, et. al. Nature Physics, published online 05. Oct. 2023
Nature Physics News & Views:
- Stronger pairs with resonant excitation by Jingdi Zhang. Nat. Phys. 19, 1755–1756 (2023)
MPSD press release:
- Durchstimmbare Terahertz-Laser verbessern die photoinduzierte Supraleitung in K3C60
- Widely tuneable lasers boost photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60
Phys.org by Ingrid Fadelli
May 2023

Photo-induced high-temperature ferromagnetism in YTiO3
A. S. Disa, et. al. Nature, 617, 73–78 (2023)
MPSD press release:
- Laser pulses triple transition temperature for ferromagnetism in YTiO3
- Laserpulse verdreifachen Übergangstemperatur für Ferromagnetismus in YTiO3
Cornell University Chronicle:
- Ultrafast laser enhances material’s magnetism at operating temperature (by Diane Tessaglia-Hymes Cornell Engineering)
APS research news:
- Light Boosts Magnetism in a Crystal (by Rachel Berkowitz)
September/October 2022
Coherent emission from surface Josephson plasmons in striped cuprates
D. Nicoletti et. al. PNAS, 119 (39) e2211670119 (2022)
Terahertz light from superconducting stripes
What is it about? – Daniele Nicoletti
MPSD press release:
Terahertzstrahlung aus dem Supraleiter
30.09.2022 – Anomale Emission von Terahertz-Strahlung aus speziell geordneten Kupferoxiden beobachtet.
Spectroscopy Europe:
Terahertz emission spectroscopy from superconducting stripes
May 2022
Quantum materials out of equilibrium, Physics Today, 75, 5, 42 (2022)
(Illuminating materials with lasers can create intriguing magnetic and topological states of matter..)
By Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Maia Vergniory and Greg Fiete
March 2022
Nonlocal nonlinear phononics
Meredith Henstridge et. al. Nature Physics (2022), advance online march 8th
February 2022
Kurze Lichtblitze mit nachhaltiger Wirkung
November 2021 / February 2021

Nov. 2021
Licht kann Supraleitern auf die Sprünge helfen
DGN (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialwissenschaften) 02/11/2021
Feb. 2021
Evidence for metastable photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60,
M. Budden et. al., Nature Physics, advance online feb 4 th2021
- Long Lived Light-Induced Superconductivity at High Temperatures
Matthias Budden
Engeneering Community, Feb. 2021 (blog at Nature.com) - Supraleitend dank Laserpulsen, Pro-Physik (de)
- MPSD press release:
Lang lebe die Supraleitung! Kurze Lichtblitze mit nachhaltiger Wirkung (de)
Long live superconductivity! Short flashes of light with sustaining impact (eng)
August 2020
Photomolecular High-Temperature Superconductivity,
M. Buzzi et. al., Physical Review X 10, 031028 (2020)
June 2020
Polarizing an antiferromagnet by optical engineering of the crystal field
Ankit S. Disa,et. al., Nature Physics 16, 937–941 (2020)
- ⇒ Nature Physics News & Views: Shaken not strained by Dominik M. Juraschek & Prineha Narang
- ⇒ Kristallstruktur mit Licht schalten (Pro-Physik)
- ⇒ Struktureller Lichtschalter für Magnetismus in Antiferromagneten (MPSD Forschungsmeldung)
- ⇒ A structural light switch for magnetism (MPSD research news)
April 2020
- Widerstand zwecklos – Supraleiter auf dem Sprung zu höheren Temperaturen Techmax 05, 2020 (MPG)
Nov. 2019
Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
J. W. McIver, et. al., Nature Physics, 16, 38–41(2020, online 11/2019)
- ⇒ „Transient wave function twist“, News & Views by Justin C. W. Song
- ⇒ Editorial: Quantum phases on demand, Nature Physics volume 16, page1 (2020)
- Laser pulses create topological state in graphene ⇒ MPSD press release (engl)
- Laser erzeugt topologischen Zustand in Graphen ⇒ MPSD Forschungsnachrichten (de)
- Laser erzeugt topologischen Zustand in Graphen ⇒ Pro Physik (de)
Nov. 2019
- Materie gezielt durcheinander bringen; Neues Forschungszentrum mit Beteiligung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in New York eingeweiht. Pro Physik, 29.11.2019 (de)
- Quantum tricks on demand; Max Planck-New York Center for Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena inaugurated in New York City. EurekAlert 29.22.2019 (en)
June 2019
Metastable ferroelectricity in optically strained SrTiO3
Tobia Nova, et.al., Science, 364, 6445, 1075-1079 (2019)
- Lichtinduzierte Ferroelektrizität in Strontiumtitanat ⇒ MPSD Forschungsnachricht (de)
- Discovery of light-induced ferroelectricity in strontium titanate ⇒ MPSD research news (eng)
- Lichtinduzierte Ferroelektrizität ⇒ Pro Physik (de)
Nov. 2018
Parametric amplification of optical phonons
A. Cartella,et.al., PNAS published ahead of print Nov. 14, 2018 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1809725115
- Terahertz laser pulses amplify optical phonons in solids ⇒ MPSD press release (eng)
July / May 2018
Pressure tuning of light-induced superconductivity in K3C60
A. Cantaluppi et.al., Nature Physics, advanced online (2018)
⇒ MPSD press release (eng): „Light-induced superconductivity under high pressure„
⇒ MPSD press release (de): „Licht-induzierte Supraleitung unter hohem Druck„
⇒ Pro-Physik (de): „Supraleitung unter Hochdruck„
⇒ Elettra ‚top stories‘: „Pressure tuning of light-induced superconductivity in K3C60„ (July 2018)
May 2018
Andrea Cavalleri elected member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)
⇒ MPSD press release (eng), (de)
⇒ News info EURASC (eng)
March 2018
Andrea Cavalleri receives the 2018 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids at the American Physical Society’s 2018 March Meeting in Los Angeles, California.
⇒ MPSD press release (eng), (de)
February 2018
Probing the interatomic potential of solids with strong-field nonlinear phononics, A. von Hoegen et. al. Nature, 555, 79–82 (2018)
⇒ MPSD press release (eng): „Good Vibrations feel the force„, (de): „Good Vibrations feel the force„
⇒ Pro-Physik (de): „Was Kristalle zusammenhält„
February-April 2018
Probing optically silent superfluid stripes in cuprates,S. Rajasekaran et. al. Science, 369, 6375, 575-579 (2018)
⇒ Perspective (superconductivity): Lighting up superconducting stripes, Emre Ergeçen + Nuh Gedik, Science, 369, 6375, 519 (2018)
⇒ MPSD press release (eng): „Superconductors earn their stripes„
⇒ Pro-Physik (de): „Supraleitung mit Streifen„
⇒ BNL news (eng): „Bringing a Hidden Superconducting State to Light„
⇒ Material’s World (eng): „Hidden superconductivity revealed„
December/August 2017
Anomalous relaxation kinetics and charge density wave correlations in underdoped BaPb1-xBixO3
D. Nicoletti et. al., PNAS, 114,34, 9020–9025 (2017)
⇒ MPSD press release (eng): Scientists shine new light on the “other high temperature superconductor“
⇒MPSD press release (de): Wissenschaftler beleuchten den „anderen Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter“
Superconductor Week, Vol. 31, No. 11 (Dec. 2017): „MPSD Leads Study of SC Bismuthate BPBO“ (PDF)
October 2016
An effective magnetic field from optically driven phonons T. F. Nova, et. al., Nature Physics, 13, 2, 132–136 (2017, Adv. Online October 2016) | MPSD Press release: ⇒ Light-driven atomic rotations excite magnetic waves ⇒ Lichtinduzierte Rotationen von Atomen rufen Magnetwellen hervor |
July 2016
Parametric amplification of a superconducting plasma wave S. Rajasekaran, et. al., Nature Physics, 12, 1012–1016 (2016), published online 07/2016 | MPSD Press release: ⇒ Manipulating superconducting plasma waves with terahertz light ⇒ Beeinflussung supraleitender Plasmawellen mit Terahertz-Licht News Univ. of Bath: ⇒ New behaviour observed in superconductors Pro-Physik.de ⇒ Terahertzlicht wirkt auf Supraleiter |
Controlling matter with light Interview with Andrea Cavalleri in JPhys+ (a physics blog from IOP Publishing). |
May 2016
Ultrafast energy- and momentum-resolved dynamics of magnetic correlations in the photo-doped Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 M. P. M. Dean, et. al., Nature Materials,15, 601–605 (2016) | Nature Materials, 15,593–594 (2016), News & Views by Fabrizio Carbone: ⇒ A glimpse of spin motion MPG Press release: ⇒ Ultra-fast X-ray Lasers Illuminate Elusive Atomic Spins ⇒ Ultraschnelle Röntgenlaser machen flüchtige Atomspins sichtbar Press release BNL: ⇒ Ultra-fast X-ray Lasers Illuminate Elusive Atomic Spins |
February/March 2016
Possible light-induced superconductivity in K3C60 at high temperature M. Mitrano, et. al., Nature, 530, 461–464 (2016) | Nature Physics, 12, 202 (2016), News & Views by Jure Demsar: ⇒ Emergent phenomena: Light-induced superconductivity MPG Press release: ⇒ Superconductivity: footballs with no resistance ⇒ Supraleitung: Fußbälle ohne Widerstand Press release Univ. of Bath: ⇒ Scientists create laser-activated superconductor Physics Department University of Oxford – Physics Neswletter Spring 2016: Rattling the Cage: Making new Superconductors using Lasers The Conversation: ⇒ Could laser-powered superconductors spark a technological revolution? Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), Volume 94 Issue 7 | News of The Week: ⇒ How Lasers Make Buckyballs Look Like Superconductors Neue Westfälische, 8. Feb. 2016 print – Physik: Fußbälle ohne Widerstand. Elettra ‚Top story‘, march 20th: ⇒ Possible light-induced superconductivity in K3C60 at high temperatures Superconducting Week 31.03.2016: Max Planck Uses Laser to Raise the Tc of a Fulleride |
July 2015 / August 2015
Spatially resolved ultrafast magnetic dynamics initiated at a complex oxide heterointerface M. Först et. al. Nature Materials,14, 883-888 (2015) ⇒ see also News & Views by V. Scagnoli and U. Staub | MPSD Press release: ⇒ Light-induced Magnetic Waves in Materials Engineered at the Atomic Scale ⇒ Lichtinduzierte magnetische Wellen in atomar maßgeschneiderten Materialien Pro-Physik: ⇒ Ultraschnelle Kontrolle von Magnetismus TU-Delft, latest news: Ultrafast Control of Magnetism in Oxide Thin Films Diamond Light Source – Science highlights: Breaking waves in a sea of spins |
March 2015
Max Born Prize for Andrea Cavalleri „Born Medal and Prize for 2015 goes to Prof. Andrea Cavalleri“ – Press release Institute of Physics „Andrea Cavalleri wins 2015 Max Born Prize“ – Press release Merton Collage „Max Born Preis geht an Andrea Cavalleri“ – Press release MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
December 2014
Nonlinear lattice dynamics as a basis for enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5 R. Mankowsky et. al. Nature 516 , 71–73 (2014) | MPG Press release: ⇒ Superconductivity without cooling ⇒ Supraleitung ohne Kühlung SLAC Press release: ⇒ Rattled Atoms Mimic High-temperature Superconductivity EE-Times: ⇒ Researchers Superconduct at 140 Degrees Scienca in rate: ⇒ Superconduttori a temperatura ambiente? Con il laser si può |
May 2014
W. Hu et. al. Nature Materials, 13, 705–711 (2014). | MPSD Press release: ⇒ A first hint of superconductivity at room temperature See also: ⇒ CFEL Press release |
April 2014
M. Först et. al. Physical Review Letters, 112, 157002(2014) | MPSD Press release: ⇒ Scientists Capture Ultrafast Snapshots of Light-Driven Superconductivity See also: ⇒ LCLS Press release ⇒ BNL Press release |
October 2013
I. Gierz et. al. Nature Materials, 12,1119–1124 (2013) | Max Planck Society press release: ⇒ Graphen kann Laserblitze abgeben ⇒ Graphene can emit laser flashes |
March 2013
A. Dienst et. al. Nature Materials, 12, 535-541 (2013) | Max Planck Society press release: ⇒ Superwelle im Supraleiter Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf Press Release: ⇒ Light Tsunami in a Superconductor ⇒ Licht-Tsunami im Supraleiter |
December 2012
The europian research network ‚Frontiers in Quantum Materials’Control (Q-MAC) wins one of the first ‚Synergy Grants‘ of the European Research Council (ERC). With Andrea Cavalleri (MPSD, Uni-Hamburg) as leading principal investigator of Q-Mac. ⇒ ERC press release ⇒ Univ. Hamburg Press release |
September 2012
One of our images was chosen for the cover of the Physics Today September 2012 issue. ⇒ Physics Today September 2012 | → original image by J.M. Harms |
March 2012
A. Caviglia et al. Physical Review Letters, 108, 136801 (2012) | American Physical Society: Viewpoint: ⇒ Ultrafast Phase Control in Oxide Thin Films Research Highlights in Nature Materials: ⇒ Beaten to Action by Joerg Heber |
March 2012
Andrea Cavalleri Popular newspaper article about Andrea Cavalleri in Hamburger Abendblatt: ⇒ Der Rote Faden: „Ein Oxford-Professor im Schöpfungslabor“ |
March 2012
A. Caviglia et al. Physical Review Letters, 108, 136801 (2012) | Selected for American Physical Society – Viewpoint: ⇒ Ultrafast Phase Control in Oxide Thin Films by María J. Calderón |
January 2012
M. Först et al. Physical Review B 84, 241104(R) (2012) → more | Press release SLAC: ⇒ „Shaken, Not Heated: the Ideal Recipe for Manipulating Magnetism“ Mar. 2012: Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics – Recommendated and a Commentary by Sunil Sinha (UCSD) ⇒ PDF |
October 2011
J. C. Petersen et al. Physical Review Letters 107, 177402 (2011) | Press release Science & Technology Facilities Council: ⇒ „Extreme ultraviolet movies reveal inside story of complex materials“ |
August 2011
M. Först et. al. Nature Physics, 7, 854–856 (2011). → more | Press release Max Planck Society: ⇒ „Resonanz mit Nachhall“ Forschungsmeldungen der Universität Hamburg: ⇒ „Schwingende Atomgitter unter Kontrolle“ Press release Physics Department, University of Michigan: ⇒ „The Birth of Nonlinear Phononics“ Physikportal pro-physik.de: ⇒ „Ein Puls zwei Schwingungen“ |
June/July 2011
July 2011: A. Dienst et. al. Nature Photonics, 5, 485-488 (2011) → more | „Controlling superconductivity“ Interview with A. Cavalleri, Nature Photonics, 5, 506 (2011) News and views: „Superconductors: Terahertz superconducting switch“ Marc Gabay & Jean-Marc Triscone, Nature Photonics, 5, 447-449 (2011) ⇒ Cover image of the Nature Photonics issue | ||
June 2011: | Press release Max Planck Society: ⇒ „Ultraschneller Schalter für Supraleiter“ ⇒ „Ultrafast switch for superconductors“ Forschungsmeldungen der Universität Hamburg: ⇒ „Supraleitung in Bruchteilen einer Sekunde umschalten“ On sciencegermania.com: ⇒ „Interruttore ultraveloce per superconduttori. Impulsi terahertz possono interrompere temporaneamente la conduzione senza perdite di corrente“ (search for Cavalleri on this page) |
June 2011
About Henri Ehrke in ‚diamond news, summer 2011‘: | |
„The Ultrafast student“ (PDF) ⇒ diamond news – Update from Diamond Light Source Summer 2011 ⇒ Diamond Light Source, Beamline I06 |
March 2011
Interview Deutschlandfunk | ⇒ „Schlagartig widerstandslos“ | |
American Ceramic Society Bulletin March 2011 (Page 18) | „Superconducting, nonsuperconducting states of cuprates ‘not that different‘ |
January 2011
D. Fausti et. al. Science,331, 6014 189-191 (2011) → more | Press release Oxford University: ⇒ „Light touch transforms material into a superconductor“ Press release Max Planck Society: ⇒ „Lichtblitz bricht den elektrischen Widerstand“ Press release University of Hamburg: ⇒ „Laserblitz lässt Strom verlustfrei fließen“ On sciencegermania.com: ⇒ „Impulsi laser infrarossi trasformano una ceramica di ossido di rame in un superconduttore e aprono una nuova strada verso un ampio utlizzo di questi materiali“ |
Sept. 2009
„Highlights aus dem Programm der Kondensierten Materie (SKM)“ „Plasmonen, Spinspiralen und Graphen“ Rainer Scharf Physik Journal 9 (2009) | Seite 94 |
* PDF for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the specific journal or source.