Max Planck Institute for the Structure
and Dynamics of Matter / CFEL
Building 900 (MPSD) & Building 99 (CFEL)
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg / Germany
Laboratory Bldg. 49b-002: +49-40-8998-6292
Renukha Singam
Room: 900/O1.066
Phone: +49 (0)40-8998-88100
Laboratories CFEL (Bldg. 99):
Michael Först (EG.031) +49-40-8998-86009
Michael Först (EG.039) +49-40-8998-86011
Michael Först (EG.043) +49-40-8998-86013
Prep Lab (EG.052) +49-40-8998-86014
Chemistry Lab (EG.054) +49-40-8998-86015
MBE-lab (EG.129) +49-40-8998-86057
Transport-lab (EG.131) +49-40-8998-86058
Cleanroom (EG.066): +49-40-8998-86026
FTIR-lab (EG.137): +49-40-8998-86059
Andrea Cavalleri
Director Condensed Matter Department
Andrea is founding director of the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter. He heads the Condensed Matter Department at the MPSD located in the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL).
He’s a Professor of Physics at the University of Hamburg and at the University of Oxford.
See his full bio.
Hamburg → Contact
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.103
Phone: +49-40-8998-88101
→ Andrea’s selected publications
Senior Staff Scientists
Michael Först
Michael is engaged in the non-equilibrium control of electronic and magnetic order in complex materials through nonlinear phononics. This type of ultrafast structural control makes use of the anharmonic response of the crystal lattice to the resonant excitation of phonons by intense mid-infrared and terahertz light fields. Michael’s activities involve table-top nonlinear optical spectroscopies, time-resolved x-ray diffraction at free electron lasers, as well as the development of novel multi-terahertz pulse generation schemes.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.064
Phone: +49-40-8998-88105
⇒ google scholar
Michele Buzzi
Michele’s research mainly focuses on the optical control of superconductivity using intense mid-infrared pulses. Although his general interests involve driven states in quantum materials, he is specifically interested in organic molecular solids, where excitation of local molecular vibrations can directly modify the electronic interaction parameters and cause the appearance of exotic non-equilibrium states. To investigate these driven states, Michele develops and uses table-top ultrafast spectroscopic techniques to track the changes in materials’ properties induced upon photoexcitation.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.111
Phone: +49-40-8998-88115
⇒ google scholar
Michael Fechner
Michael’s research explores the interactions and dynamics within multifunctional materials using computational methods. In particular, he focuses on materials that exhibit a complex interplay of structure, charge and spin degrees of freedom. The aim of his research is to develop formalisms that explain and describe light induced materials properties.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.095
Phone: +49-40-8998-88118
⇒ google scholar
Daniele Nicoletti
Daniele’s research focuses on the study of nonequilibrium superconducting states driven by optical stimulation at infrared and terahertz frequencies. He is primarily working on high-TC cuprates and organic molecular superconductors, but his interests extend, more generally, to the optically-driven nonlinear dynamics in complex solids. To this end, he is combining a variety of spectroscopies and pump-probe techniques with the use of external pressure and strong magnetic fields.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.071
Phone: +49-40-8998-88120
⇒ google scholar
Eryin Wang
Eryin’s research focuses on utilizing on-chip ultrafast transport technique to study the electrical transport properties of different light-induced transient phases, which remain so far largely unexplored. In the past, he connected MBE-grown K3C60 thin film to photo-conductive switches with coplanar waveguide to probe the critical current behavior of light-induced superconducting state in K3C60. To this end, he is extending the ultrafast transport technique to the nonlinear region and to other light-induced phenomena.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.067
Phone: +49-40-8998-88127
⇒ google scholar
Dongsung Choi
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.072
Phone: +49-40-8998-88110
Kelson Kaj
Kelson’s research focuses on developing nonlinear optical methods, both single-pulse and multi-dimensional, to span the entire terahertz and mid-infrared frequency ranges. He is primarily focused on studying cuprate superconductors, but his interests extend to the wide variety of phases in quantum materials.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.107
Phone: +49-40-8998-88125
Kilian Keller
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.107
Phone: +49-40-8998-88126
Morihiko Nishida
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.079
Phone: +49-40-8998-88121
Susmita Roy
Susmita uses time-resolved Raman spectroscopy to investigate the non-equilibrium physics of elementary excitations in the light-induced superconducting state of organic superconductors.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.079
Phone: +49-40-8998-88123
PhD Students
Joseph Adelinia
Joseph investigates light-induced superconductivity in the alkali-doped fulleride K3C60 via ultrafast electronic transport techniques. The aims to probe on a picosecond timescale the nonlinear electrical response of the photo-excited superconducting state.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.065
Phone: +49-40-8998-88119
Ting-Han Chou
Ting-Han’s research is focused on studying the microscopic mechanism of light-induced superconductivity in high-Tc cuprates using time-resolved spontaneous Raman scattering.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.065
Phone: +49-40-8998-88119
Xiaoxi Deng
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.097
Phone: +49-40-8998-88109
Giovanni de Vecchi
Giovanni develops a magneto-optic setup to detect and switch magnetic fields on picosecond timescales, with the aim of probing the ultrafast magnetic dynamics of optically driven superconductors.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.109
Phone: +49-40-8998-88108
Hangoo Lee
Hangoo investigates the dynamical magnetic properties of high-Tc superconductors driven away from equilibrium by light. He employs and develops magneto-optical probes to study their magnetic response on ultrafast time scales.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.097
Phone: +49-40-8998-88109
Klaus-Henry Martens
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.109
Phone: +49-40-8998-88108
Danica Pavicevic
Danica studies collective excitations in quantum materials using multi-dimensional THz spectroscopy. Her focus is on Josephson plasmon excitations in cuprate superconductors.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.074
Phone: +49-40-8998-88124
Maor Rosenberg
Maor is currently investigating „anomalous“ terahertz emission in charge-ordered high-Tc cuprates, which was unexpectedly found in the absence of an external bias or applied magnetic field.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.074
Phone: +49-40-8998-88129
Jyotiprakash Satapathy
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.065
Phone: +49-40-8998-88122
Niloofar Taherian Hosseinabadi
Niloofar uses time-resolved second-harmonic generation to understand the non-equilibrium dynamics of high-Tc cuprate superconductors. She has developed a new multidimensional spectroscopic technique by combining this nonlinear probe with two mid-infrared excitation pulses.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.065
Phone: +49-40-8998-88119
Jack (Chih-Chieh) Wu
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.046,
Phone: +49-40-8998-88113
Paul (Zhiyang) Zeng
Paul is currently investigating the possible control of ferroaxial order and coherently driven chiral phonons in condensed matter systems.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.109
Phone: +49-40-8998-88108
Yaozheng Zhu
Yaozheng combines the narrowband THz pulse generation and time-resolved THz spectroscopy to study the nonequilibrium physics in solids, with a focus on the light-induced superconducting state in organic K3C60.
Bldg. 900 Rm. 01.105
Phone: +49-40-8998-88106
Instrument Scientists
Emmanuel Baffu Amuah
Emmanuel develops phase-sensitive nonlinear optical detection schemes for the study of the driven dynamics in complex materials.
Bldg. 900, Rm. 01.105
Phone: +49-40-8998-88106
Mariana Chavez Cervantes
Mariana’s research focuses on the study of nonequilibrium superconductivity in organic compounds using ultrafast electrical transport techniques.
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.079
Phone: +49-40-8998-88116
Thomas Gebert
Guest from WiredSense
Frank Schlawin
Visiting scientist at the MPSD, Young Investigator programme at the Hamburg Cluster of Excellence ‘CUI : Advanced Imaging of Matter’
Uni-HH Junior research group: Spectroscopy and Optical Control with Quantum Light
Bldg. 99, Rm. 02.037
Phone: +49-40-8998-88323
Albert Liu
Guest from Brookhaven National Lab, NY
Distinguished Visiting Scientists
Hideo Aoki
Emeritus Professor
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Electronics and Photonics Research Institute
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Visiting: June-July 2018
Email: aoki(at)
Roberto D. Merlin
Peter A. Franken Collegiate Professor of Physics; Professor of EECS
Department of Physics, University of Michigan
Visiting: Aug.-Sep. 2024, July 2023, June 2022, July 2021, May 2019, May-June 2018, May 2017, June-July 2016
Email: merlin (at)
Abhay Pasupathy
Associate Professor
Dep. Physics, Columbia University in the City of New York ⇒ Condensed Matter Physics
1307 Pupin Hall, Mail Code 5206
Phone: (212) 854-6335
Visiting: Oct.-Dez. 2018
Email: apn2108(at)
Paolo Radaelli
Professorial Fellow in Physics, Wadham College;
Dr Lee’s Professor of Experimental Philosophy at the Clarendon Laboratory,
Department of Physics, University of Oxford
Visiting: April/May 2019, May-June 2018, October-December 2017
Email: Paolo.Radaell (at)
Carlos Trallero
University of Connecticut school of University of Connecticut, Department of Physics
Connecticut unit 3046, 196 Auditorium Road, Storrs, CT 06269-3046
Visiting: July-Dez. 2023
Email: carlos.trallero(at)
Liuyan Zhao
Associate Professor of Physics
LSA Physics, University of Michigan
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
255 West Hall
Lab: SB255 Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Visiting: July-Aug. 2024
Email: lyzhao(at)